Tuesday 21 January 2014

Swarved words jewel of human life is an invaluable gem.

Sadguru Sadafaldeo Ji Maharaj, the originator of Vihangam Yoga, has expressed all His spiritual experiences in Swarved. After seventeen long years of rigorous meditation, whatever spiritual experience He acquired in the state of Samadhi (the state of oneness with God), He compiled in Swarved. The entire spiritual experience of Sadgurudeo is mentioned in Swarved. An amazing synchronization of experience and expression can be found in Swarved. Until the Swarved was published, Sadgurudeo always used to keep the handwritten manuscript in his personal custody and used to read it aloud by Himself in solemn tones, in the midst of devotees-disciples

This treatise is the illumination of His heart. Swarved is a subject of spiritual knowledge. What is the subject of Swarved? – It is Brahm Vidya. The subject of Swarved is spiritual knowledge, Yoga Vidya, and moreover all the aspects of human life have been incorporated in this unparalleled, great treatise. We have to move the chariot of Vihangam Yoga ahead on the basis of Swarved.
          Two types of knowledge have been described in our Upanishads and told by the saints of Brahm Vidya. One is Aparā Vidya and the other one is Parā Vidya.

                                  Tatrapra rigvedo yajurvedah saamvedoatharvedhah
shiksha kalpo vayakaran |
Niruktant chando jyothishmiti |
Ath para yaya tadhcharmdhigamyate |

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Tuesday 7 January 2014

Social Service under guidence of Sant Pravar Shri Vigyan deo ji maharaj

Brahm Vidya Vihangam Yoga helps us understand the true meaning of Karma (actions or deeds, which is slightly different from the commonly used word ‘karma’). The way karma operates is extremely profound. His Holiness Sadguru Sadafaldeo Ji Maharaj, the founder of Brahm Vidya Vihangam Yoga, has given us the true understanding of this mystical functioning of Karma.