Wednesday 26 March 2014

Why Vihangam Yoga (Brahma Vidya)?

Globe is today flooded with several forms of Yoga techniques (though highly
misused term) and each of these techniques benefit us at different levels
and, help us realize different objectives. Some are focused primarily at physical
level and help improve our body (through Asanas), some help us at prana
(breath) level through pranayams, some improve our attention and concentration
through meditation and some claim to move us on the inner journey. The
question arises what is Vihangam Yoga and why one needs to do this?
We need to look at this from two different perspectives. One, where
someone is seeking spirituality primarily for physical and materialistic gains such
as stress free life, relaxation of mind, improved memory, focus, attention and
improved executive functioning (Decision making, planning & executive
complex goals etc.) of the brain. The another perspective is, where someone
is a true spiritual seeker in search of eternal and everlasting bliss and is keen
on exploring an inner journey to “realization of true self”, “getting rid of
the sufferings and permanent pains of life” and ultimately “realization of the
God”. This is neither elusive nor unachievable as commonly believed.
There is a science that teaches us how to make this happen – the science of
Brahma Vidya (Vihangam Yoga), the ancient most science practiced by Indian
sages. The science of living a fulfilled happy life in harmony with the Supreme Being,
and in the process attaining union with the Supreme Being, is called Vihangam
Yoga. Though Vihangam Yoga is aimed at the 2nd perspective of fulfilling the needs of
the true spiritual seekers, it is so powerful that just 10 minutes of daily
practice (two times a day) of the preparatory stages itself of Vihangam
Yoga has been reported to result in astounding benefits at physical & brain
level as required by the seekers falling in the 1st category.
Several researches conducted by leading psychiatrists at Central Institute of
Psychiatry (India), by Neuroscientists at New York University and Bergamo
University (Italy) have reported the physical and mental benefits of highest
magnitude, more intense and with longer residual effects. Some of the key
findings are:

• Five times increase in “alpha” waves (indicating state of relaxation) and
simultaneous three times reduction in “delta” waves (indicating alertness) for
the practitioners in comparison to non- practitioners, with maximum intensity in
prefrontal cortex region of brain. This is a unique state of “Restful-Alertness” –
one is alert yet relax!! One can imagine its relevance in today’s world full of
stress and tension.

• All the key domains of attention & concentration (Sustained attention,
Selective attention, Selective focus, Task switching ability, Distractor
inhibition and Recall level etc.) have been reported to be 30-50% higher than
the non-practitioners. One can imagine the benefit that anybody (a student, a
professional, a sportsperson, an artist etc.) can draw from this!

• 50-70% acquittal rates for nicotine and alcohol addiction. One can imagine its
relevance for transformation of societies and communities which are impacted due to this evil!
While these magnificent benefits are the end goal for some of the widespread
yoga techniques, these are just the by- products of the practice at preparatory
stages itself of vihangam yoga. Now, if we look at Vihangam Yoga from
the perspective of the true spiritual seekers with quest of “God realization”,
this is the most ancient, scientific technique operating in the zone of
“consciousness” and practiced at the level of soul itself under the blessings of
a true Sadguru. What are some of the key elements of Vihangam Yoga:

• It is the science of consciousness and practiced at the level of soul: We all
know the Supreme Being is a “Conscious” entity while sensory organs,
body, prana and mind are “inert”, non- conscious entities. Holy scriptures of all
religions mention that a “conscious entity” can’t be realized by the “non-
conscious entity”. While all other forms of yoga & meditation techniques operate
at the inert plane of body, prana, mind and end at the interface of inert zone of
nature (Prakriti, maaya), the Vihangam Yoga starts only at the plane of
consciousness, at the level of soul, the true self which is also a conscious entity
and helps one transcend to the zone of eternal bliss. o Vihangam yoga is divided into 5 stages.
The actual journey of Vihangam Yoga begins at 4th stage. Till the 3rd stage, it
is preparatory in nature, operates in the inert zone of mind. Practice focuses on
controlling mind (in 1st stage) and purifying it (in 2nd stage). Awakening of
the mysterious and highly talked about Kundalini Shakti occurs effortlessly
during 3rd stage. The end of the 3rd stage and beginning of 4th stage is
marked by “opening of the secret tenth door” in our body, an extremely blissful
spiritual experience of “sushman pravah” and the “soul realization”. In
this stage, the soul reveals itself and person realizes the power, knowledge
and peace inside soul. It is this divine abode, where one achieves complete
cessation of mind to enjoy the peace as way of life and there is revelation of
one’s true identity to unleash the tremendous untapped potential within.
o It is the last stage of Vihangam Yoga, which is performed at the level of soul
(after cessation of mind in its source). The Sadguru energy empowers soul to
experience the Fathomless peace and bliss of God. This is the true meaning of

• Vihangam Yoga helps one get the liberation (Moksh) while being alive:
There is no “moksh” (so called liberation) after death. After death, one
has to come back to the painful cycle of life-death based on one’s karma and its
results. The ultimate purpose of human life is to get oneself liberated from this
vicious circle of the most severe pain & sufferings. Vihangam Yoga practiced
under the blessings of the true Sadguru helps one get free from the fruits of
karma and finally from this vicious cycle. This happens while we continue living
our daily routines and the family life. • This Vihangam Yoga or Brahma vidya is
the oldest and root of all Yoga’s: This is the technique of meditation that was
prevalent during Vedic Period. This is the oldest meditation technique in this earth
having references in the holy scriptures of most of the religions of this world.
This technique disappeared after Mahabharata Period (Shri Krishna had
taught this technique to Arjun) until it was brought to this earth by the Great
saint Sadguru Kabir Saheb. Six hundred years after Kabir, this knowledge was
again brought back by Sadguru Shri Sadafaldeo Ji Maharaj, who founded
Vihangam Yoga Sansthan in 1924 to disseminate this knowledge for the
benefit of mankind.

• It is a scientific technique: As a true science, this also has a philosophy
(theory) and a practice of meditation (practical), and most importantly, the
effects of Vihangam Yoga Meditation can be verified and validated for any and
all of its assertions in the laboratory of one’s own body, mind, and soul! The
entire spiritual experience of a vihangam yogi has already been described in the
holy book “Swarved” and anyone who practices this technique as advised by
the Sadguru, will go through the same spiritual experience.

• It is practiced under the blessing of a living Sadguru, who himself is a liberated
divine soul: No human being can go beyond 3rd Stage (in to the zone of
consciousness) without guidance of the true SADGURU. The 4th and 5th stage of
Vihangam Yoga is also known as Brahma vidya. Here one gets connected with the
eternal bliss in the company of the supreme being and gets complete
liberation from the vicious cycle of the most severe pain chain of life & death.
We are fortunate to have the blessings of such a kind Sadguru, Maharshi
Sadafaldeo Ji Maharaj, who after learning this technique through 17 years
of arduous austerity in Himalaya took a pledge to liberate at least one hundred
thousands deserving souls before he discards the, even after he renounced his
body. His proclamations are divine and so assuring:
“Adbhut maarag yog Vihangam, Main
tumko batalaawunga I
Yadi vidhiwat tum saadhan karihon,
Amarlok pahunchaawunga II”
He proclaims….”I will teach you the
unique path of Vihangam Yoga and if you
practice it diligently as advised by me, I
will take you to the zone of supreme
being, zone of eternal bliss.”

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